Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In which a lover from the previous piece is seen with a new lover.

(A bunch of GUYS and GALS at a club or a bar. Enter DARLA, dressed as a man.)

Oh shit. This is really happeniiiing you're really doiiiing thiiiiis.
(singsonging) La la la laaa da daaa.
(she laughs at herself, then makes a serious face and claps her hands together)
Man up.

(Darla goes to the bar.)

What's on tap.

Sam Adams, Yuengling, MGD, Heineken...

Give me a Heiney, sugar.

Holy crap you're a girl.

Friday, December 11, 2009


In which a lover from the previous piece is seen with a new lover.

Ronnie Ziegler: This - Darla and I - will be the end.

...I imagine my mind as a great gumball machine made of skin. There is an infinite desert all around stretching to a cactus-lined dust bowl horizon, like the background in a Krazy Kat cartoon. The sun is cherry red and watches curiously. When I was born, the landscape was flat, a blameless expanse. Anything could have happened there. There were probably dust storms. Then as I got older, out of the sky came the gumballs. See, the sky, and the sun, and the immense distant desert, they're all a painted backdrop, a Hollywood Western facade. In truth, it's just a great fishbowl with a coin slot at the top, and the great circle of the bottom is stretched like a drum, and like I said, it's all sewn from flesh.

So, through the slot in the fake sky, the memories fell in like gumballs.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


In which a lover from the previous piece is seen with a new lover.

(Virginia holds up an overripe tomato.)

If you could have seen it:
This is what it was like to lose my virginity.

(She smooshes the tomato on her face.)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


In which a lover from the previous piece is seen with a new lover.

Attractive people doing attractive things in attractive rooms. There was an ostensible reason for the weekend. Someone told him he looked like a Calvin Klein model, he should come. He said I'm not a fan. They said doesn't matter. Attractive people doing attractive things in attractive rooms at convention rates. Don't miss it.
It was like swimming out into a lake, he told him. The model and the bellboy. "My name is Eugenio," the bellboy said, "that tells you my whole story right there." "How is it like swimming out into a lake?" "A lake of attractive people," said Eugenio. "Right," said the model.
"No really," said Eugenio. "I've always been on the beach trapped and dry and sunburning but the attractive people overflowed this weekend." It was true, they were dripping out of the interior balconies in the fourteen-story atrium like egg yolks over the banisters. They were peering out of the tropical planters like two eyes in the dark in cartoons. They were hanging from the skylights "So," said Eugenio, "the attractive people tide came in so far that it lapped at my feet. Poor dry me got his toes wet and so. I figured. I'd. Try to swim."
"You're an attractive people," said the model.
"I wasn't Friday night," said Eugenio. "I was just a Eugenio. But first there was Virginia. She was actually my fellow bellperson. We'd flirted. But now my toes were wet. So I dipped further. Now I was in to my ankles, I mean, she was there already."
"Right," said the model, thoughtlessly unpeeling a banana.
"Um," said Eugenio. "Then there was Wilbur. Organizer for the organization. He had a clipboard. He was halfway between me and the lake. At the waist-line. I mean his name was Wilbur so! A natural step."
"Naturally," said the model, swallowing the banana casually. The jazz band in the lobby started playing "My Funny Valentine" and they could hear it.
"Then I took the plunge. An actual attractive person. Mikaela. I had momentum now. I got totally wet with all the attractiveness I was swimming in. So naturally when I met you, you thought I was attractive."
"But I won't when you dry off?" said the model, discharging the banana peel and the metaphor.
"The weekend is only three days," said Eugenio. "I'm a smart kid."
"Yes you are," said the model. "Now I need to get to my cab."
They stepped through the gap in the luggage cart. Eugenio pulled on the rack grip to trundle it towards the taxi lane, but the banana peel was (in)conveniently placed. He slipped and hit his head.
When he woke up in the dry, dry hotel later, he'd have sworn it was all a dream, except for the moistness between his toes. He smiled.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


In which a lover from the previous piece is seen with a new lover.

Louis made friends a lot faster than Austin. Right after the first meeting, it seemed, Austin's Facebook feed popped up with about a dozen notifications saying "Louis Barr is now friends with Emile Hammerlich," and "Louis Barr is now friends with Pride 2010" and so on. Austin opened up the first page he saw, Duane Sekada's page. Duane's picture showed his great dinner plate of a bald head grinning next to a pair of what could have been Buddhas if not so skinny, they were smiling so fully. The picture took place at a bar. There on the top of Duane's Wall was a status update that read, "FUCK it looks like im going to be doing half the work again Can no one pull their own weight?" Austin's mouse had been hovering over the add friend button. But he pulled it away.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


In which a lover from the previous piece is seen with a new lover.

An extended preview for a new romantic comedy, in which all of the information is given away so you don't have to watch the actual movie

SOUND: Jaunty music

NARRATION: Edie Barr thought she had it all figured out.

IMAGE: Edie and Stephen, snuggling on the couch with wine and candles

EDIE: So I was thinking. Let's get married.

Stephen looks at her. She looks at him.

NARRATION: In love with a wonderful man.

STEPHEN: Now why'd you go and say that.

Edie gives a frightened look.

Stephen produces a ring box.

STEPHEN: You beat me to the punch!

Edie looks relieved! They kiss.

NARRATION: Who loved her back.

SOUND: The music turns romantic, although still in a jaunty way.

EDIE: (seducitvely) Well let me make it up to you.

She starts to pull him to her by his collar, seductively, but not erotically.


IMAGE: A small boy, Walter, holding a blanket and a stuffed rabbit.